Quality ? …. Feedback is Crucial !


Year 2015,

The word quality is everywhere. People are inspired about:

  1. Making products conform standards
  2. Making the service to customers priority nr. One
  3. Teamwork
  4. Communication skills
  5. Empowerment

WOW: QUALITY has to do with a lot

On the Internet you can follow blogs about quality in almost every language: It’s a VERY HOT TOPIC.

Today I want some feedback from all of you; this is my way of improving myself.


But together we can share experiences, information, and knowledge about what is inspiring all of us………that is “ QUALITY “

Getting feedback from a group is not an easy job, because normally only a small percentage will react and give comments.

That’s why one has to use different methods to get to the correct data.

(This won’t be the case here)

Feedback is crucial for improvement. Quality isn’t only about talking and doing, if you start listening to others, wow, believe me it’s a brand NEW BALL GAME.

That’s why I advise everybody to start developing their listening skills. This will improve you as a human being, and as a professional in your day-to-day job.

And when I say “Listen”, I don’t mean listen to your superiors, BUT LISTEN TO EVERYBODY, pay attention to what they are saying, because believe it or not: SOME GREAT IDEAS come from your subordinates, and colleagues.

Listening skills are important not only at work, but everywhere you are.


Today I NEED your help, your input, your ideas, your experiences, and your beliefs about the following:

“What is quality to you and what do YOU do to improve yourself, and or your organization?“

I am Listening… (Or rather ready to read your comments!)

It’s all about Quality !

4 thoughts on “Quality ? …. Feedback is Crucial !

  1. Well Luigi, it is difficult. Yes everybody is full of quality nowadays. They meant it good, but at the end they think it is a one man show, which it isn’t. It is a teamwork.
    Mind shift is very important because that is the key to success.
    I am facing a big challenge as you now, and like you mentioned listening skills is so crucial. People feel appreciated if you listen to them even if it is not relevant.
    Keep up the good work.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Luigi to me quality management requires continuous effort. It is neither an one time thing (a project) nor an one man show. Everybody in an organization should be committed to quality. Leadership is therefore key to create an organizational culture where everybody is committed to high quality. As you indicate, it is very important to listen to both your internal and external clients to understand their needs and identify opportunities for continuous improvement. In this respect, it is also important to continuously analyze your key processes and your product portfolio to eliminate possible bottlenecks and cost of poor quality and to identify ways to make them more efficient and effective.

    Liked by 1 person

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